القائمة الرئيسية


أخطاء شائعة في اللغة الإنجليزية - COMMON MISTAKES IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE

أخطاء شائعة في اللغة الإنجليزية

هناك كثير من الاخطاء الشائعه في اللغه الانجليزيه 
ومن اهم هذة الاخطاء ما يلي :-
من الخطأ القول:

She speaks English very good
بل الصحيح:
She speaks English very well
لأن كلمة good هي صفة و لا يمكن استخدامها محل الحال well
أما إذا كان المراد وصف اللغة نفسها فيجب تغيير ترتيب الجملة الى
She speaks very good English
من الخطأ القول:
The man was absorbed at his work
The man was absorbed in his work
معنى الجملة : كان الرجل منهمكا في عمله
absorbed in = منهمك في
كلمة absorbed يستخدم معها حرف الجر in وليس at
من الخطأ القول:
He laughed on me
He laughed at me
لأن الكلمة laughed يستخدم معها حرف الجر at
من الخطأ القول:
Khaled is afraid from the snake


Khaled is afraid of the snake
كلمة afraid والتي معناها خائف تاخذ حرف الجر of وليس from
afraid of = خائف من
من الخطأ القول
She studies us biology

She teaches us biology
لأن الفعل teach معناه أن شخصا ما يعلّمك و إنك تتلقى العلم منه
أما study معناه الذهاب إلى مكان لتلقي العلم ونحن نتحدث عن المعلمة
من الخطأ القول:

She accused the man for stealing

She accused the man of stealing
معنى الجملة : هي اتهمت الرجل بالسرقة
accuse somebody of something =يتهم شخصا بشيء ما
الفعل accuse الذي معناه يتهم ياخذ حرف الجر of وليس for
note: the verb charge takes the preposition with
for example : She charged the man with stealing
معنى الملاحظة هذه: هو ان الفعل charge والذي ياتي ايضا بمعنى يتهم يستخدم معه حرف الجر with
ترجمة المثال : هي اتهمت الرجل بالسرقة. فهذا المثال له نفس معنى المثال السابق الا اننا استخدمنا في هذا المثال فعل مختلف وحرف الجر المناسب له.

من الخطأ القول:
...the advantage using a computer

...the advantage of using a computer
لأن حرف الجر of ضروري لاتمام معنى الجملة وبنائها بالشكل الصحيح

من الخطأ القول:
Rice needs plenty water

Rice needs plenty of water
التفسير: لنفس السبب السابق

من الخطأ القول:
The teacher was angry against Ahmad


The teacher was angry with/at Ahmad
معنى الجملة : كان المدرس غاضبا من أحمد.
with / at = تعني انك لو استخدمت حرف الجر with او at فكلاهما صحيح ولكن لايجوز استخدامهما معا.
ملاحظة : اذا كنت انت غاضب من شخص فان لك الخيار ان تستخدم حرفي الجر at او with مع كلمة angry اما اذا كنت غاضبا من شي وعندما اقول شيء فاقصد بذلك كل شيء ماعدا الانسان فانك تستخدم حرفي الجر at او about لناخذ المثال التالي:
The passengers are angry at/ about the delay of the flightمعنى المثال السابق: المسافرون غاضبون من تأجيل الرحلة.
من ذلك نستنتج ان حرف الجر at يستخدم مع كلمة angry سواءا استخدمت هذه الكلمة مع انسان او شيء اما حرف الجر with فهو يستخدم معها اذا استخدمت مع انسان وحرف الجر about اذا استخدمت مع شيء.

من الخطأ القول:

I am glad the news are good


I am glad the news is good
لأن كلمة news مفردة وليس كما يعتقدها البعض انها جمع و إذا أردنا الإشارة إالى خبر فإننا نقول
A piece or an item of news
وكذلك الاتي**

Wrong I have visited Niagara Falls last weekend

Right I visited Niagara Falls last weekend.

Wrong The woman which works here is from Japan.
Right The woman who works here is from Japan.
Wrong She’s married with a dentist.

Right She’s married to a dentist.
Wrong She was boring in the class.
Right She was bored in the class.
Wrong I must to call him immediately.
Right I must call him immediately.
Wrong Every students like the teacher.
Right Every student likes the teacher.
Wrong Although it was raining, but we had the picnic.
Right Although it was raining, we had the picnic.
Wrong I enjoyed from the movie.
Right I enjoyed the movie.
Wrong I look forward to meet you.
Right I look forward to meeting you.
Wrong I like very much ice cream.
Right I like ice cream very much.
Wrong She can to drive.
Right She can drive.
Wrong Where I can find a bank?
Right Where can I find a bank?
Wrong I live in United States.
Right I live in the United States.
Wrong When I will arrive, I will call you.
Right When I arrive, I will call you.
Wrong I’ve been here since three months.
Right I’ve been here for three months.
Wrong My boyfriend has got a new work.
Right My boyfriend has got a new job.
Wrong She doesn’t listen me.
Right She doesn’t listen to me.
Wrong You speak English good.
Right You speak English well.
Wrong The police is coming.
Right The police are coming.
Wrong The house isn’t enough big.
Right The house isn’t big enough.
Wrong You should not to smoke.
Right You should not smoke.
Wrong Do you like a glass of juice?
Right Would you like a glass of juice?
Wrong There is seven girls in the class.
Right There are seven girls in the class.
Wrong I didn’t meet nobody.

Right I didn’t meet anybody.
Wrong My flight departs in 5:00 am.
Right My flight departs at 5:00 am.
Wrong I promise I call you next week.
Right I promise I’ll call you next week.
Wrong Where is post office?
Right Where is the post office?
Wrong Please explain me how improve my English.
Right Please explain to me how to improve my English.
Wrong We studied during four hours.
Right We studied for four hours.
Wrong Is ready my passport?
Right Is my passport ready?
Wrong You cannot buy all what you like!
Right You cannot buy all that you like!
Wrong She is success.
Right She is successful.
Wrong My mother wanted that I be doctor.
Right My mother wanted me to be a doctor.
Wrong The life is hard!
Right Life is hard.
Wrong How many childrens you have?
Right How many children do you have?
Wrong My brother has 10 years.
Right My brother is 10 (years old).
Wrong I want eat now.
Right I want to eat now.
Wrong You are very nice, as your mother.
Right You are very nice, like your mother.
Wrong She said me that she liked you.
Right She told me that she liked you.
Wrong My husband engineer.
Right My husband is an engineer.
Wrong I came Australia to study English.
Right I came to Australia to study English.
Wrong It is more hot now.
Right It’s hotter now.
Wrong You can give me an information?
Right Can you give me some information?
Wrong They cooked the dinner themself.

Right They cooked the dinner themselves.
Wrong Me and Johnny live here.
Right Johnny and I live here.
Wrong I closed very quietly the door.
Right I closed the door very quietly.
Wrong You like dance with me?
Right Would you like to dance with me?
Wrong I go always to school by subway.
Right I always go to school by subway.
Wrong If I will be in London, I will contact to you.
Right If I am in London, I will contact you.
Wrong We drive usually to home.
Right We usually drive home.

** مقالات متميزة تستحق المشاهدة ❃✪✪
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