القائمة الرئيسية


قواعد اللغة الانجليزية - Punctuation Marks

Punctuation! Names of 14 common punctuation marks in English with useful punctuation rules.


Here are 14 common punctuation marks in English.

1. The Full Stop (.)
2. The Question Mark (?)
3. Quotation Marks/Speech Marks (” “)
4. The Apostrophe (‘)
5. The Comma (,)
6.The Hyphen (-)
7.The dash (en dash (–) em dash (—))
8.The Exclamation Mark (!)
9.The Colon (:)
10.The Semicolon (;)
11.Parentheses ()
12.Brackets []
13.Ellipsis (…)
14.The Slash (/)



👉 1.Full Stop (.)

A full stop, also known as a period (.) in American English, is one of the most commonly used punctuation marks in the English language. Analysis of texts indicate that approximately half of all punctuation marks used are full stops.

🖌 Ex; Let me finish my homework.
🖌Mr. White was talking with Mr. Smith.

👉2. Question Mark (?)
We use a question mark (?) after an interrogative sentence in English.

🖌 Ex; Why are you going there?

🖌 Is this your book?

👉Quotation Marks/Speech Marks (” “)

We use quotation marks (” “) for direct quotations in English.

🖌"I've already spoken to mr. John." She said!

👉3.  Apostrophe (‘)

An apostrophe (‘) is used to show that certain letters have been omitted from a word. The punctuation symbol can also be used to show the possessive form of a noun, in addition to indicating the plural form of lowercase letters.
The punctuation rules:

Use an apostrophe in contractions

He is = He’s

I am = I’m

Do not = Don’t

They have = They’ve

It is = It’s

I would = I’d

Let us = Let’s

She has = She’s

Who is = Who’s

👉 Use an apostrophe to indicate possession

🖌Mona's family is nice to me.

👉 4. Comma (,)

A comma (,) is used to show the difference between two separate ideas or elements within a sentence. Commas have other users as well, as they can be used to separate numbers, and write dates.

The comma rules and examples:

Add a comma when two separate sentences are combined.

Ex;🖌 I cleaned out the fridge, and afterwards I made lunch.

🔻Use commas between words in a series. Notice that a comma does not follow the last word in the series

Ex;🖌 He was tall, dark, and handsome.

🔻 Use the comma to set off the words “yes” and “no”.

A; Would you like to have a glass of wine?

B; No,Thanks!

🔴 Use a comma to set off a tag question from the rest of the sentence.

Ex;🖌 She's a beautiful girl,isn't she?

👉5. Hyphen (-)

A hyphen (–) is a punctuation mark with three main uses. Many people confuse this punctuation mark with the dash, but the two are quite different. The hyphen can be used in compound words, to link words to prefixes, and also as a way to show word breaks.

The hyphen punctuation rules and examples:

Use a hyphen to join two or more words together into a compound term. Do not separate the words with spaces.

Ex;🖌 She's a kind-hearted person ,I have ever met.
🖌 I work part-time.

🖌 Old-furniture salesman.


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